Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coming Soon...BMX4C!

I’ll be starting a new Blog very soon. Don’t worry; I’ll still be posting on this one. We got some great news the other day. J and I have started BMX racing…yes at 35 (almost 36) years of age…I’ve started BMX racing. J will be racing, and I figured, if I’m at the track all day with him, I might as well be racing. ANYWAY...back to the point of this blog entry.
We’ll be starting a BMX Racing Ministry…and it was J’s idea! We’ll be providing bikes, helmets, jersey’s, gloves and NBL Licensing fees for 10 – 20 Kids in low income families or foster care. On a whim, I sent an email to SE Bike Company (BMX Bike Manufacture) to see if they would be interested in participating. In less the 24 hours I got a call from SE’s local area representative, not only do they want to help, but they are very excited about the project! It’s so amazing, how God opens doors for us when we are following His will! I’ve started putting together a lot of what we need, the Board of Directors, By-laws, Name copy right, 501C3…BMX4C is hitting the ground running (errr…Biking). We’ll still need prayer support, so one of the biggest ways people can help right now, is keep praying for BMX4C to be a success! I’ll be putting together a BMX4C website and blog very soon, so you’ll be able to track our ministry progress. I’ll try to get some pictures next weekend from the track with J and I. See y’all later! Go to:



Anonymous said...

Hey buddy! GREAT NEWS! I wanted to let you know in case you didn't already, that with blogspot, for $10/year you could rename your blogspot (it is open)

I changed our blogspot ( to


Just FYI...Have a great day!

Pastor Joe

Robert said...

intresting concept